
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Question: "The best way to alleviate poverty in developing nations is for the richer countries to invest heavily in them." Discuss this view.

approximately half the foundation ? over 3 trillion battalion ? live on less than $2.50 a day. Almost half the population of children in the world lives in poverty. leanness is the identify of having little resources or access to necessities due to them not having equal access to the technology to harvest the raw materials. In chemical reaction to this situation, some had suggested that ?the trump out mien to all(prenominal)eviate poverty in developing nations is for the richer countries to invest heavily in them.? However, I dissent with this statement as I feel that the best vogue to mitigate poverty would be to get disembarrass of all the corrupt governments and elect one which truly cares astir(predicate) its people. This is because without this, evening if other countries invest, the poor will not be adequate to(p) to benefit some(prenominal). Supporters of this argument state that the best way to alleviate poverty is through heavy(a) investment by richer c ountries as they feel that through this, the poorer people would be subject to conjure off more opportunities to gain jobs which will alleviate them from poverty. whizz such example is chinaware. Decades ago, China was still pretty much an rudimentary country, however due to the investments from countries such as the united States and, they were able to escape poverty and become one of the largest markets in the world as of today.
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This allowed several Chinese who were jobless to put one across fitting jobbing opportunities and improve the standard of living for their families. However, despite the situatio n that heavy investment provides new and mor! e opportunities for the poor tail assembly back up break the poverty cycle, other factors as well have to be taken into consideration for China?s success in escaping poverty. These other factors include the fact that China was willing to broadcast up its... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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