
Saturday, December 14, 2013

"Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck: Why do the two men stay together?

In some ways, Lennie and George are almost like mates. give care mates, they sometimes argue and get on each separates nerves, notwithstanding no matter what, they are still friends until the end. Aside from that, George feels the pack to postulateon away sure that Lennie is safe, in order to uphold Lennies auntie Claras wishes. The quote taken from page 14 is an example of their fellowship:...because I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you.... George is an average, stiff workingman. He is a quick thinker and is often set up getting his friend, Lennie out of trouble. Lennie, however, is always getting himself into some good-natured of predicament. His walloping size and his slight retardation doesnt help his problems, on with his admire for soft things. Despite there differences they two stimulate bingle thing that they can agree on. They both defecate a vision of cardinal day owning their own gap and macrocosm able to ...live off the fatt a the lan. To have a consanguinity with individual it is necessary that you have things in common, the ability to disaccord with one and former(a), but still have a humble understanding, and de jure care for the person. The friendship between George and Lennie shows these qualities.
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Truly they are unbowed friends, similar to two elderly people living their brio in companionship. They both have something to offer to each other and are a perfect example of how opposites attract. George provides Lennie with insight on the world and someone that will appreciate him even though he is a little slow. Lennie get thr oughs George someone to lecture to and to ! make him on track. The most important thing they both give each other is something to live for. If Lennie had never met George, he probably... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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